Ever felt the fun and different kind of “aha” moments when you connect previously learned information with new ones? That’s called the association study technique.
In today’s world, we are constantly learning new things, whether it’s for school, a hobby, or just day-to-day life. But sometimes, it’s hard to remember everything. One great way to make learning easier is to connect new information with things you already know. This simple trick can help you remember things better and make learning more fun.

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What Does Association Study Technique Mean?
When we talk about “association” in learning, we mean connecting new ideas or facts to things you already understand. Your brain does this naturally by linking new information to things you’ve learned before. By making these connections, your brain can remember things faster and easier.
For example, imagine you’re learning the Spanish word “libro,” which means “book.” If you already know the English word “library,” it’s easier to remember “libro” because they both sound similar. Your brain makes the connection between the two, which helps you recall the meaning of “libro.”
Why Does Association Help Us Remember?
Association works because your brain is really good at making links between different pieces of information. When you learn something new, your brain looks for something familiar to connect it to. The more connections your brain makes, the easier it is for you to remember that information later.
Your brain stores information like a web, where each piece of knowledge is connected to other pieces. By linking new facts to this web, you create stronger memories. This is why associating new things with things you already know helps you remember them better.

How Can You Use Association to Learn?
There are some fun ways you can use association to remember things. One popular method is called mnemonics. A mnemonic is a memory trick that helps you remember something by making it easier to recall. For example, to remember the order of the planets in our solar system, people use the sentence: “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.” This helps you remember the planets in order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Another way to use association is by creating a memory palace. This is a technique where you picture a place you know well, like your house, and link different things you need to remember to different rooms or objects in that place. When you want to remember the information, you can imagine walking through your house and finding the facts in each room.
How Does Association Help Us in Everyday Life?
You also use association all the time without even thinking about it! For example, when you meet someone new, you might remember their name by connecting it to something about their appearance. If you meet someone named “Rose” who is wearing a red dress, you might remember her name because of the connection to the color red.
Association also helps you remember past experiences. For example, when you hear a song you used to love, you might think about the time you first heard it, or when you taste a food from your childhood, it might bring back memories of family dinners.

Tips for Getting Better at Using Association
To get better at using association, here are some tips:
1. Link new information to what you already know: When you learn something new, think about how it connects to something you already understand.
2. Use fun memory tricks (mnemonics): Create simple phrases or pictures to help you remember important facts.
3. Use all your senses: Imagine what the new information would look like, sound like, or feel like. The more senses you involve, the easier it will be to remember.
4. Teach someone else: Explaining what you’ve learned to someone else can help you remember it better, because teaching uses many of the same skills as learning.
By practicing these techniques, you’ll be able to remember new information more easily. When you connect new facts with things you already know, learning becomes faster and more fun. So next time you’re studying, try using association to boost your memory!