Bullet journal potent as ‘mise en place’ for high-achieving students

Mise en place

How long do you think it takes when a person tries to do his/her assignments? Do you think having a more organized arrangement of tasks can save you more time and energy? What if we try to set everything in place?

Every student, even adult workers, tries to have a peaceful time to do their seatworks, research or some task from their occupation. But only 14% according to statistics are having a bullet journal for them to have a more stable workflow.

A bullet journal is where a student/worker can use this as an effective tool for studying and to help them manage their time because of its function. The first function of a bullet journal is called the index page. An index page is used to create an index to possess references of the topics that he/she has to do.

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Image via Pixabay

Next is the future log, for some students, it is where they note their upcoming activities, quizzes and tests. It is just the same future log but the actual use of it is to arrange long-term planning for the whole semester and long-term deadlines. Then we have the monthly log where we can write all our pending activities and tests for the whole month. It is also advisable for a busy person to arrange this log on the first week and instantly put a future activity to a designated month. Until we reach to have a daily log where assign our daily activities using a schedule which is a very important part since everyday we have a daily routine to follow especially if you are a student, or a busy person who wants to manage your time carefully.

A habit tracker could also motivate you to have your to-do list to finish it instantly. Having more time to do your habit can also be an advantage to do your task quickly and also helps to improve the quality of your activities. Whenever you are needed to be at the meeting and needs to take notes, we do need to dedicate some of our pages to write our notes, we can also write some of our brainstorming notes with others and a Subject/Project Pages provides resources for every project and subjects that we have. When you have a schedule of journals, a Reading List is a significant part of easy learning and understanding, providing a track of books that you want to read and it can also be one of your habits and greatly helps you to extend your knowledge through things.

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Image via Pixabay

For you to learn, Reflection Pages can help us to always remember our previous topics and lessons, also present presentations where we learned and look for an area of improvement. Studying and having a bullet journal can enhance us to be a focused person and we are doing it because we have our goals to achieve on a designated time. So let’s not forget that a part of a bullet journal is a Goal Setting where it does help us to manifest and define academic goals that can also be used to track our progress. The last part of a bullet journal is obtaining a more creative design as you have your organized journal. A Creative Element is a part where you are going to incorporate and make doodles, designs, stickers and inspirational pictures for you to make it more visually appealing and engaging.

It is a pretty simple notebook and a journey of your future, monthly, weekly, and even daily journals that can help you to be more organized and disciplined on following your daily task. A bullet journal is a thing where you can set everything in one place also called as mise en place in French.

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