CHED Tertiary Education Subsidy solves financial qualms to conquer dream career

Want to achieve that dream college course and land the much-aspired career but financial problems get in the way?

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Unified Student Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education (UniFAST) might solve that problem.

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Image by UniFAST via Facebook

With the Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES), financially-needy students in private schools and those studying in private schools in municipalities and cities will receive stipends to pay their tuition and miscellaneous fees and other educational expenses.

The flagship social development program of the government on higher education made possible through Republic Act 10931 which provides at P60,000 per year to students within the marginalized sector.

Eligibility requirements are:

  • Filipino Citizen
  • Meets the admission and retention policies of the SUC/LUC
  • No previous undergraduate degree
  • Not overstaying in the program (ex. 4 or 5 years + 1-year grace period)

To apply, the student needs to present the following requirements:

  • Certificate of Registration/Enrollment
  • Certificate of Residency (for private No SUC/LUC Category)
  • PWD ID (if applicable)

Here is the order of prioritization for AY 2024-2025 and onwards:

  • Students under the most updated Listahanan for all SUCs, LUCs, Private HEIs, and PNSLs;
  • Students included in the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), ranked according to household per capita income for all SUCs, LUCs, Private HEIs, including PNSLs; and,
  • The remaining slots are to be allocated to other poor students in Private HEIs with no SUC/LUC or PNSL, not included in the 1st and 2nd prioritization categories.

On one hand, here are the benefits for the beneficiaries

  • Starting Fiscal Year 2023
    • SUC/LUC: ₱20,000 per Academic Year
    • PHEI: ₱20,000 per Academic Year
    • Additional Benefits
  • TES-3A: (Person with Disability)
    • ₱10,000 per Academic Year
  • TES-3B: (Board/Licensure Exam Takers)
    • ₱8,000 (one-time reimbursement)

Higher Education Institutions refer to:

  • State Universities and Colleges (SUCs)
  • CHED-recognized Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs)
  • Private HEIs (PHEI)
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Image by UniFAST via Facebook

Source: UniFAST, CHED

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